
Creative studio

Film Company

Creative studio

Creative studio

Creative studio

Film Company

Creative studio

Creative studio

Based in Mombasa

Based in New York

Based in Mombasa

Based in Mombasa

Based in Mombasa

Based in New York

Based in Mombasa

Based in Mombasa


We help brands drive growth through digital experiences

VIdeo Production

Elevate your brand's message with our expert video production services, tailored to meet your specific needs.

Digital Storytelling

We transform your brand's narrative into compelling digital stories that leave a lasting impression.

Visual Branding

Our team of experts crafts visually stunning branding elements that reflect the essence of your brand's identity.
Visual Branding

Greenpoint flower lounge

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Swiss Galaxy Banking

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Eclipse Island Bakery

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Video Production

Dumbo coworking space

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Yellow label clothing

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"Quisque id elit semper, vehicula tellus in, posuere lacus. Curabitur nisi eros, finibus ac eleifend at, varius vel purus. Vest ante ipsum primis in faucibus orc."

Kelsey Baine
Walt Disney

"Cras enim odio, imperdiet nec lacus quis, dictum egestas ante. Viva condim mi a nibh auctor ulla quam. Donec at lorem enim."

Sarah Macky

"Duis quis dui nulla. Nam cursus non purus ut sodales. Cras cond, ipsum nec cursus feugiat, tellus metus dignissim dolor."

Alex Morton

"Morbi vel sapien dignissim, commodo nunc eget, finibus eros. Aliquam iaculis diam et ex rhoncus, sit amet auctor enim luctus. Donec sed posuere."

Terry Gilbert

"Maecenas nec nisl quis mauris euismod euismod ac vitae sem. Curabitur ante libero, dictum ut ante vitae, volutat tincidunt leo, id cursus odio conval ut."

Kelsey Baine
Walt Disney
/Behind Empathy/

Meet the team

/Let's talk/

Ready to build experiences your audience will love?

Have a project in mind or just want to say hello?
Reach out to us today. We're here to bring your creative vision to life.
Lets Talk